Xtreme Kool Letterz: The cactus is referred to as a ka ktus, so it's probably safe to say that this trope applies.Temporary Platform: Some surfaces will collapse under the kaktus' feet once he walks on them.Stuff Blowing Up: It the kaktus shoots something red, expect a large explosion.

Flippin Kaktus is an adventure game at its core, though there are plenty of platforming elements as well. When the vicious drug cartel raids his home, he breaks bad in a hardcore journey to save his foster family. They will kill the kaktus instantly if he touches them. Publisher No Gravity Games and developer Rage++ have confirmed that Flippin Kaktus, a brutal action-driven vendetta, is in the works for Switch. Flippin Kaktus is a brutal action-driven vendetta featuring a spiky hero with the thorny past and rage outbreaks combat style. Spikes of Doom: There are plenty of these in the game.He has it in the first level, but loses it when the game flashes back, meaning the player has to get it later. Spike Shooter: The kaktus can do this.Side View: Being a 2D game, it's presented this way.Life Meter: Located in the top-left corner of the screen, it's represented by a line of squares.Level two is then stated to be set in 1914. How We Got Here: At the end of the first level, which is set in 1984, the kaktus runs into a purple-eyed donkey who decides to tell the player how the events of the game got started, starting by saying "It all started, like, a hundred years ago.", before ending the level.Heal It with Water: Whenever the kaktus takes damage, he can recover health by standing in a puddle of water.Flash of Pain: The kaktus flashes red when he takes damage.A fireworks display goes off whenever the kaktus reaches one. Cactus Person: The Player Character is a living cactus.

You know it's saving when you see a white outline of a floppy disk on the screen.
Experience carefully crafted levels and a story full of twists and turns, all thought up and lovingly constructed by a lone determined developer with a grand vision. Flippin Kaktus a retro-themed side-scrolling shooter is out today Developed by the creative one-man army that is Evgeny Khoroshilov, you’ll get to oscillate between being a rage-filled maniac.